
extension ViewModifier
  • A public overload of the Swift print(_:separator:terminator:) function that formats and prints a message to the console corresponding to data stored as JSON for a given print number.

    This function behaves exactly as the Clarity global scope print overload with the same parameters other than to return an empty View that allows it to be used within a ViewModifier. However because it will always be called within a ViewModifier it is still possible to call it without having to specify a defining type – in the same manner as the Swift print(_:separator:terminator:) function.

    The Clarity framework assumes three main ‘nodes’ of interest in a control flow: function call points, the resolution of conditional statements and the reporting of specific values including descriptions of Error instances. This function is intended to be placed at such node points in the client application code.

    All message data relating to each print number is placed entirely in associated JSON files. This enables the printing of unlimited verbose commentary yet having zero impact on the source code.


    All calls to this function must provide an argument to the printNumber parameter.

    A function call node and a value report node would never be associated with the same print number and therefore have separate overloads rather than a single function with multiple parameters.

    Formatting and display outcome is controlled by user preferences in the associated Settings and Formatting JSON files.

    Conditional node details printed include the entity code, the function number, the node symbol-number, the outcome symbol, the event description and the effect description on the following line.

    The function identity details printed include the entity code, the function ‘group type’ symbols, the function number, and the function name.

    Examples printing a conditional node message for print number 35 and a function call node – the identity of a function that contains print nodes 34 and 35:

     //JSON file for print numbers in a struct, class or enum
         "entity_functions" : [
                         "event_description":"N/A - this is a function call point node",
                         "event_description":"An expected event occurred",
                         "effect_description":"this should happen next"
     //Source code (conditional node):
     //Indicative console output:
     ENTCC        15    N-35      - An expected event occurred
                                      Effect:this should happen next
     //Source code (function call node):
     // Using the same print number as another node within function_nodes ...
     // but providing the `functionName` argument has the same outcome.
     // so not strictly necessary to give function call nodes a dedicated print number
     print(35, functionName: #function) // 'borrowed' print number
     print(34, functionName: #function) // dedicated print number
     //Indicative console output for both calls:
     ENTCC 🍎f    15    myFunctionContainingPrintNumbers34And35()
     //Note: the printouts format and align correctly in the console
     //This is the best approximation of the console possible here using markdown



    public func print(_ printNumber: Int,
                      functionName: String? = nil,
                      settings: SettingsManagerService? = nil) -> some View



    A unique number used as a key to access a specific associated message from a dictionary containing all message data.


    An optional parameter for a #function macro argument. If this parameter is included Clarity formats and prints the log as a function call node for the function that contains printNumber.


    An optional parameter for a dynamic SettingsManagerService instance. The SettingsManagerService instance can have its properties set programmatically to a variety of values. This enables more convenient and dynamic evaluation of a wider range of unit tests in a test target than is possible when using the JSON access mechanism.

    Return Value

    An empty View that allows the function to conform to the ViewModifier protocol and be used within a ViewModifier as well as within the body var of a View instance.

  • A public overload of the Swift print(_:separator:terminator:) function that formats and prints a message to the console corresponding to data stored as JSON for a given print number.

    This function behaves exactly as the Clarity global scope print overload with the same parameters other than to return an empty View that allows it to be used within a ViewModifier. However because it will always be called within a ViewModifier it is still possible to call it without having to specify a defining type – in the same manner as the Swift print(_:separator:terminator:) function.

    The Clarity framework assumes three main ‘nodes’ of interest in a control flow: function call points, the resolution of conditional statements and the reporting of specific values including descriptions of Error instances. This function is intended to be placed at such node points in the client application code.

    All message data relating to each print number is placed entirely in associated JSON files. This enables the printing of unlimited verbose commentary yet having zero impact on the source code.


    All calls to this function must provide an argument to the printNumber parameter.

    A function call node and a value report node would never be associated with the same print number and therefore have separate overloads rather than a single function with multiple parameters.

    Formatting and display outcome is controlled by user preferences in the associated Settings and Formatting JSON files.

    Conditional node details printed include the entity code, the function number, the node symbol-number, the outcome symbol, the event description and the effect description on the following line.

    Value reporting node details printed include the entity code, the function number, the report node symbol-number, the report symbol, the value or error custom description and the value(s) on the following line(s). If the value is an instance conforming to the Error protocol the error description is reported on the following line.

    Examples printing a conditional node message for print number 35 and an example printing a value report node associated with a message for print number 5:

     //JSON file for print numbers in a struct, class or enum
         "entity_functions" : [
                         "node_type":11, // or 12 for an error report
                         "event_description":"in myArray",
                         "effect_description":"N/A - only the event_description is printed as part of the value report"
                         "event_description":"An expected event occurred",
                         "effect_description":"this should happen next"
     //Source code
     //Indicative console output:
     ENTCC        15    N-35      - An expected event occurred
                                      Effect:this should happen next
     //Source code
     let myArray = [1,2]
     print(5, values: myArray)
     //Indicative console output:
     ENTCC        15    R-5     📋  - Values for variables in myArray are:
     //Note: the printouts format and align correctly in the console
     //This is the best approximation of the console possible here using markdown



    public func print(_ printNumber: Int,
                      values: Any? = nil,
                      settings: SettingsManagerService? = nil) -> some View



    A unique number used as a key to access a specific associated message from a dictionary containing all message data.


    An optional parameter for the inclusion of variable values to be printed as part of the message. If this parameter is included Clarity formats and prints the log as a value report node. The parameter can be a single value of any type, a Collection of any type or an instance conforming to the Error protocol.


    An optional parameter for a dynamic SettingsManagerService instance. The SettingsManagerService instance can have its properties set programmatically to a variety of values. This enables more convenient and dynamic evaluation of a wider range of unit tests in a test target than is possible when using the JSON access mechanism.

    Return Value

    An empty View that allows the function to conform to the ViewModifier protocol and be used within a ViewModifier as well as within the body var of a View instance.